Robert Kempner Prize 2024: On 4 May 2024, Annegret Hartig received the Robert Kempner Prize for her monograph “Making Aggression a Crime Under Domestic Law. On the Legislative Implementation of Article 8bis of the ICC Statute.“ The Robert Kempner Prize is awarded by the Association of German Speaking International Criminal Lawyers (Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht) for outstanding monographs in the field of international criminal law with a connection to German speaking legal orders and written by scholars who have not yet reached the age of 35. The jury observed the breadth and depth of Annegret Hartig’s analysis of the crime of aggression and the various techniques of implementing this international crime into domestic law. The jury emphasized that the study also substantially engaged with fundamental concepts of international criminal law, such as personal and functional immunity, universal jurisdiction and the duty of States to enforce international criminal law. The jury concluded that Annegret Hartig’s work qualifies as a basic work of the discipline.