ICC-ASP/3/SWGCA/INF.1 Report on the Informal Intersessional Meeting at Princeton (2004)

1. At the invitation of the Government of Liechtenstein, and after consultation within the framework of the Assembly of States Parties, an inter-sessional meeting of the Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression was held at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, Woodrow Wilson School, at Princeton University, New Jersey, United States, from 21 to 23 June 2004. Invitations to participate in the meeting had been sent to all States who have signed the Final Act of the Rome Conference as well as to some representatives of civil society. Ambassador Christian Wenaweser (Liechtenstein) chaired the meeting. A list of participants is included as annex II.

2. The agenda for the meeting was based on the preliminary list of possible issues relating to the crime of aggression contained in document PCNICC/2001/L.1/Rev.1. As a result of the discussions, this list was revised in order to reflect progress made since the preliminary list of issues had been drafted. The revised list of issues is included as annex I of the report.

3. The participants in the inter-sessional meeting expressed their appreciation to the Governments of Liechtenstein, the Netherlands and Switzerland, which had provided financial support for the meeting, as well as to the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University for providing an opportunity for an informal exchange of views and dialogue among the participants and for its generous hospitality. The group expressed its hope that the Assembly of States Parties, if possible, may make provision for other such meetings, with the necessary arrangements in order to facilitate the debate in the different working languages of the Assembly.

4. The present document does not necessarily represent the views of the Governments of the participants. It seeks to reflect conclusions and opinions regarding different issues on the crime of aggression; it is understood that these issues would have to be reassessed in light of further work on the crime of aggression. It is hoped that the material in the present document would facilitate the work of the Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression.


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