Ukraine and the ratification of the Rome Statute: On the Independence Day of Ukraine on 24 August 2024, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy symbolically signed the law previously adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its Kampala amendments on the crime of aggression. The formal deposit of Ukraine’s instrument of ratification will be made in due course. Once effective, Ukraine’s ratification would give the ICC jurisdiction over the crime of aggression going back to July 17, 2018. However, due to the carve out of nationals of non-State Parties under Article 15bis (5) of the Rome Statute, the ICC would not be able to exercise jurisdiction over Russian nationals for the crime of aggression committed against Ukraine. Additionally, Ukraine has invoked Article 124 of the Rome Statute to exempt its nationals from the ICC’s jurisdiction over war crimes for a period of seven years, while it is unclear whether such a selective use of Article 124 is allowed under the Rome Statute.