Uruguay to become first Latin American State to ratify: Today the Senate of Uruguay approved the Kampala Amendments. The instrument of ratification is expected to be deposited at the UN by mid-July. The Chamber of Deputies had already unanimously approved the ratification bill in April. Uruguay would thus be the first Latin American State to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression.
Dip. Felipe Michelini (Frente Amplio), Convenor of the Parliamentarians for Global Action’s International Law and Human Rights Programme stated in this context:
“The Kampala Amendments operationalise the aspirations to end aggression as provided by the Rome Statute. Sixty years after having ratified the London Agreements that provided the legal basis to the Nuremberg Tribunals, Uruguay continues its work in defense of human dignity through law, as law is what defines civilization and denies barbarie.”