ICC-ASP/5/SWGCA/INF.1 Report on the Informal Intersessional Meeting at Princeton (2006)

I. Introduction

1. Pursuant to a recommendation by the Assembly of States Parties and at the invitation of the Government of Liechtenstein, an informal inter-sessional meeting of the Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression was held at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self- Determination, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, New Jersey, United States of America, from 8 to 11 June 2006. Invitations to participate in the meeting had been sent to all States, as well as to representatives of civil society. Ambassador Christian Wenaweser (Liechtenstein) chaired the meeting. The annotated agenda of the meeting is contained in annex III.

2. The participants in the informal inter-sessional meeting expressed their appreciation to the Governments of Canada, Finland, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland for the financial support they had provided for the meeting and to the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University for hosting and giving financial support for the event.

3. The participants observed a minute of silence in memory of Dr. Medard Rwelamira, the late Secretary of the Assembly of States Parties, who passed away on 3 April 2006. The Chairman paid tribute to the outstanding assistance provided to the Special Working Group by Dr. Rwelamira, who had been a dear colleague and close friend of many delegates.

4. The meeting noted with regret that the delegation of Cuba had, once more, been denied permission to travel to Princeton to attend the meeting, in spite of efforts by the President of the Assembly and the Chair of the Special Working Group.

5. The present document does not necessarily represent the views of the governments that the participants represent. It seeks to reflect the opinions expressed on various issues pertaining to the crime of aggression and to set out the conclusions reached. It is understood that these issues will have to be reassessed in light of further work on the crime of aggression. It is hoped that the material in the present document will facilitate the work of the Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression.


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